NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 6/16/2023
NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 6/16/2023
- Upcoming NAGF Conference Calls/Webinars
- NAGF Cold Weather Preparedness Working Group Monthly Webinar – June 21st @ 02:00-03:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF CIPWG Comment Development Webinar for Project 2021-3: CIP-002 Unofficial Comment form – June 22nd @ 01:00-02:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF SRT Comment Development Webinar for Project 2019-04: PRC-005 Draft #1 – June 27th @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF Quarterly Member Discussion Webinar – June 27th @ 03:00-04:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF Variable Resource Working Group Monthly Webinar – June 28th @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
(Webinar information can be found on the NAGF website Event Calendar.)
- Save the Date: Joint NERC, FERC Physical Security Technical Conference
NERC and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will host a joint Physical Security Technical Conference on August 10 at NERC’s Atlanta office. The staff-led technical conference is in response to a recommendation in NERC’s Evaluation of the Physical Security Reliability Standard and Physical Security Attacks to the Bulk Power System that was filed with FERC in April. The report evaluates CIP-014-3, NERC’s physical security standard, and recent physical security attacks on the bulk power system. The all-day technical conference will solicit input on the type of substation configurations that should be studied to determine whether additional substations should be included in the standard’s applicability criteria. The technical conference also seeks to establish data needs for conducting those studies. Additional details and agenda to follow.
- NERC 11-Part Webinar Series on Inverter-Based Resources
NERC has launched an 11-part webinar series that will delve into bulk power system (BPS)-connected inverter-based resources (IBRs) and NERC’s risk mitigation strategy in this area. The webinar series will provide a complete overview of IBRs—from a fundamental understanding of IBR technology to tackling the more complex and emerging risk issues. Each webinar will include panelist presentations followed by questions and answers, with topics including:
- IBR performance issues, NERC disturbance analysis process, and findings
- The interconnection process and establishing and enhancing interconnection requirements
- Modeling IBRs—model requirements, unit and facility model creation process, model benchmarking, and electromagnetic transient modeling
- IBR commissioning processes and lessons learned
- NERC IBR registration, Reliability Standards enhancements, and IBR risk mitigation strategy
For more information on webinar dates, topics, and event registration, please see the webinar flyer.
Wayne Sipperly Jr.
COO/Executive Director
North American Generator Forum
M: (914) 806-0397