North American Generator Forum
The Power to Make a Difference
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The North American Generator Forum (NAGF) is an independent, member-driven organization whose collective knowledge and expertise in the generation sector is recognized by FERC, NERC, and the electric utility industry. Through open-source collaboration and information exchange with generator industry professionals, the NAGF provides a united voice to NERC with the goal of improving the reliability, resiliency, and security of the bulk electric system.
The NAGF is actively engaged in a number of tactical and strategic activities with FERC and NERC which provide the opportunity to convey the technical capabilities, technical constraints, and economic impacts of Reliability Standards and proposed regulatory changes on the generator sector.
The Peer Review Working Group (PRG) is focused on developing the NAGF Peer Review Program. The PRWG completed its initial review of a NAGF Member Company in 2018 and will be completing additional reviews in 2019.
At a time when generators are looking to economize, the NAGF provides a network of industry compliance, operations, and equipment technical experts to assist the reliability efforts of individual generators.
There are two main reasons to join the NAGF – access to information and access to regulators. The NAGF provides member companies an opportunity to share and discuss reliability/resiliency issues including best practices in a secure collaboration environment. Often member companies answer questions raised by other member companies within the same day. In addition, the NAGF provides member companies an opportunity to have a direct forum with FERC, NERC and Regional Entities on reliability and security issues facing our industry. Member companies get both of these benefits for a very reasonable fee structure as compared to other industry organizations.
– NAGF Chairman of the Board
NAGF members have created a combined list of best practices for COVID. Here is a summary for you. Our members are sharing more, join us today.