NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 3/22/2024
NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 3/22/2024
- Upcoming NAGF Conference Calls/Webinars
- NAGF Variable Resources Monthly Webinar – March 27th @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF Markets and Policy Monthly Webinar – March 27th @ 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF Standards Review Team Monthly Webinar – April 3rd @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
- NAGF CIP Working Group Monthly Webinar – April 9th @ 02:00-03:00 pm Eastern
(Webinar information can be found on the NAGF website Event Calendar).
- NAGF Quarterly Member Discussion Webinar
On March 21st, the NAGF held the NAGF 1st Quarter Member Discussion Webinar. Topics included NAGF activities updates, NERC Policy Input, NAGF-NERC collaboration discussions and other topics. Meeting minutes are currently under development and will be posted to the NAGF website later this week.
- On March 21st, FERC posted their annual State of the Markets Report, to update the Commission, industry, and the public on recent market conditions and emerging issues in natural gas and electricity markets.
On March 19th, NERC submitted to FERC the Request for Approval of Proposed Revisions to the Rules of Procedure to Address Unregistered Inverter Based Resources and Request for Expedited Review. NERC requested that the Commission issue a 30-day public comment period followed by a 60 day review period (approximately June 19, 2024). NERC proposes to update the Generator Owner and Generator Operator (“GO” and “GOP”) Registry Criteria to include a new sub-category (“Category 2 GOs” and “Category 2 GOPs”) of entities that own or operate non-BES inverter based generating resources that
- that either have or contribute to an aggregate nameplate capacity of greater than or equal to 20 MVA,
- connected through a system designed primarily for delivering such capacity to a common point of connection at a voltage greater than or equal to 60 kV.
Allen D Schriver
Policy Coordinator
North American Generator Forum
M: (561) 324-9234