NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 1/26/2024

NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 1/26/2024

  • Upcoming NAGF Conference Calls/Webinars
    • NAGF Standards Review Team Monthly Webinar – Wednesday, February 7th @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF CIPWG Monthly Webinar, Tuesday Feb. 13, 2:00 – 3:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF Cold Weather Preparedness Working Group Monthly Webinar – Wednesday, February 21st @ 01:00-02:00 pm Eastern

(Webinar information can be found on the NAGF website Event Calendar).

  • Upcoming Regulatory Meetings
    • NERC Board of Trustees Meeting, Thursday Feb. 15th
    • FERC Commission Meeting, Thursday Feb.15th, 10:00 – 11:00 am
  • NAGF Working Groups

The NAGF Markets and Policy Working Group held their kickoff meeting on Wednesday Jan. 24th. Items discussed included the working group charter and NAGF Policy Input for the February NERC MRC/Board meeting. If you would like to join this group, please contact Allen Schriver.

  • FERC
    • On 1/18/24, FERC Staff posted their 2024 Energy Primer: A Handbook of Energy Market Basics which discusses the markets for gas, electricity, oil, gas-electric interdependency, markets and trading plus market manipulation.


  • NERC
    • NERC Comprehensive Work Plan Addressing FERC Order 901

Per FERC Order 901, NERC was directed to develop new or modified Reliability Standards that address reliability gaps related to inverter-based resources in the following areas:  data sharing; model validation; planning and operational studies; and performance requirements. The NERC Work Plan defines the work activities and steps NERC will take over a three-year period to meet the Order 901 reliability directives.



Allen D Schriver
Policy Coordinator
North American Generator Forum
M: (561) 324-9234