NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 7/28/2023

NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 7/28/2023

  • Upcoming NAGF Conference Calls/Webinars
    • NAGF Standards Review Team Monthly Webinar– August 2nd @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF CIP Working Group Monthly Webinar – August 8th @ 02:00-03:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF Variable Resources Working Group Monthly Webinar – August 23rd @ 11:00-12:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF Cold Weather Preparedness Working Group Monthly Webinar – August 23rd @ 02:00-03:00 pm Eastern

(Webinar information can be found on the NAGF website Event Calendar.)

  • NERC Files Request with FERC to Use Reserves in 2023 to Fund Portion of Transfer Capability Study

NERC filed a request with FERC for approval to draw up to $700k from NERC’s Assessment Stabilization Reserve (ASR) to fund a portion of the 2023 expenses anticipated in connection with the Interregional Transfer Capability Study (ITCS). The ASR is funded solely through U.S. penalties and there will be no increase to 2023 assessments. NERC was congressionally mandated to conduct the ITCS in the recent Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. NERC is currently scoping study requirements and will work in collaboration with FERC, the Regional Entities, and industry to address Congress’ directive. The ITCS must be delivered to FERC on or before December 2, 2024.

  • FERC Transmission Reforms Paves Way for Adding New Energy Resources to Grid

On July 27, 2023, FERC took an historic step in the modernization of the nation’s transmission grid by streamlining the interconnection process for transmission providers, providing greater timing and cost certainty to interconnection customers, and preventing undue discrimination against new sources of power generation. The final rule includes several key areas of reforms, including institution of a first-ready-first-served cluster study process, with increased financial commitments for interconnection customers, to improve the efficiency of the interconnection process and minimize delays; imposition of firm deadlines and penalties if transmission providers fail to complete their interconnection studies on time incorporation of technological advancements into the interconnection process, including consideration of advanced transmission technologies in the interconnection study process; and an update of modeling and performance requirements for inverter-based resources to ensure continued system reliability.



Wayne Sipperly Jr.
COO/Executive Director
North American Generator Forum
M: (914) 806-0397