NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 7/26/2024

NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 7/26/2024

  • Upcoming NAGF Conference Calls/Webinars
    • NAGF VRWG Comment Development Webinar for Project 2020-02: PRC-029 Draft #3 & Project 2020-06: IBR Glossary Term Draft #3, August 1 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF VRWG Comment Development Webinar for Project 2021-04: PRC-028 Draft #3 & Project 2023-02: PRC-030 Draft #3, August 6 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF Standards Review Team Monthly Webinar, August 7 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF CIPWG Bi-Monthly Webinar, August 13 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Eastern

(Webinar information can be found on the NAGF website Event Calendar).

  • NERC
    • NERC announced the following new Standards balloting from 8/2 8/12/2024:
      – Project 2020-02: PRC-029-1 – Frequency and Voltage Ride-through Requirements for Inverter-based Resources
      – Project 2020-06: IBR Glossary Term – Verifications of Models and Data for Generators
      – Project 2021-04: PRC-028-1 – Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for Inverter-based Resources
      – Project 2023-02: PRC-030-1 – Analysis and Mitigation of BES Inverter-Based Resource Performance Issues
      NERC notes these Standards must be filed with FERC by Nov. 4, 2024, so this will be the last opportunity for NERC to ballot these projects. The Board may take requisite action during the August Board meeting to ensure directives are met.
    • NERC filed their 2024 ERO Performance Assessment Report on July 17. The report discuses NERC actions to improve reliability and resilience.

  • The National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
    • The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Section 6 (Electric Power/Energy Systems) and NERC have published a report, Evolving Planning Criteria for a Sustainable Power Grid on electric reliability criteria for grid planning.
  • EIA
    • The U.S. Energy Information Administration has published a paper noting that data center, crypto operations in 10 states drive all US commercial power sales growth since 2019. Virginia, Texas, South Carolina and Arizona led the way with the highest demand growth while Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and New Jersey had the largest losses, the agency said.




Allen D Schriver
Policy Coordinator
North American Generator Forum
M: (561) 324-9234