NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 7/12/2024

NAGF News Bullets for Bi-Week ending 7/12/2024

  • Upcoming NAGF Conference Calls/Webinars
    • NERC Project 2020-02: PRC-029 Draft #2 – Ride Through Comment Discussion w/ NERC July 16 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    • NAGF Cold Weather Preparedness Working Group Monthly Webinar – July 17th @ 02:00-03:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF Markets and Policy Working group Monthly Webinar – July 24th @ 02:00-03:00 pm Eastern
    • NAGF Variable Resources Working Group Monthly Meeting July 25th @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern

(Webinar information can be found on the NAGF website Event Calendar).

  • The NAGF Quarterly News Letter for April June 2024
The 2Q2024 NAGF News Letter was sent to membership on July 10, 2024. Edition
includes formal comments submitted by the NAGF on active NERC projects, Working
Group activities, and much more. The newsletter can be found on the NAGF website
Dashboard home page.
  • NERC
    • NERC Posted their IBR Registration Initiative Q2 2024 Update on Jul 11th.

As part of NERC’s plan to identify Category 2 Generator Owner and Generator Operator registration candidates, the ERO Enterprise IBR subgroup developed a Request For Information (RFI), incorporating input from a stakeholder focus group. On July 9th, NERC issued this RFI to all registered Balancing Authorities and Transmission Owners and requested that they identify Category 2 Generator Owner and Generator Operator registration candidates and that responses be submitted to the respective Regional Entities by September 20.
    • NERC also posted their Industry Webinar slides and recording of
Project 2020-02 Modifications to PRC-024 (Generator Ride-through) which will
modify PRC-024 for synchronous machines and develop PRC-029 for IBRs
    • Industry Workshop Project 2022-03 Energy Assurance Draft Team Workshop (Hybrid) August 6, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Mountain
    • NERC Conference Announcement – Monitoring and Situational Awareness Technical Conference, October 8-9, 2024, Cleveland, OH



Allen D Schriver
Policy Coordinator
North American Generator Forum
M: (561) 324-9234