
FERC and NERC Winterization Report, NAGF/NERC/ESIG Workshop, and NAGF Officer Position

FERC and NERC Winterization Report

On July 18, FERC and NERC issued a staff report titled, The South Central United States Cold Weather Bulk Electric System Event of January 17, 2018. The report discusses the cold weather event that occurred in the south-central U.S. in January 2018. In the report, FERC and NERC note that “More than one-third of the GO/GOPs that lost generation during the Event did not have a winterization plan”. As a result, a three-pronged approach is recommended to address generator reliability during extreme cold weather:

  • Developing one or more mandatory Reliability Standards that require Generator Owner/Operators to prepare for the winter and to provide information regarding their preparations (or lack thereof) to their RCs and Balancing Authorities (BAs).
  • Enhanced outreach to the GO/GOPs regarding cold weather preparations.
  • Development of market rules/incentives for those GO/GOPs in organized markets.

The NAGF proactively contacted NERC to volunteer to lead the development of a Cold Weather SAR. The NAGF Cold Weather Preparedness Working Group will lead the effort to help write the SAR as well as develop an NAGF Generator Cold Weather procedure and Best Practices document that will be posted for public use. Members interested in participating in this important effort can contact me wsipperly@generatorforum.org for more information.

Link to NERC report: https://www.nerc.com/pa/rrm/ea/Pages/January_2018_South_Central_Cold_Weather_Event.aspx

NAGF-NERC-ESIG Battery Storage, Hybrid Resources, Frequency Response, and Grid Services Workshop

The workshop will be held on September 17th and 18th and teleconferenced between the dual workshop locations of the NERC Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, GA Offices. Registration information should be available the end of next week.

NAGF Treasurer Position Opening

The NAGF is seeking a member who would be willing to assume the role of NAGF Treasurer. Katie Legates will be assuming additional job responsibilities and would like to have someone assume the role of Treasurer beginning this fall. If you are interested, please contact Katie (kmlegates@aep.com or 614-716-2291) for a description of the work involved.


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