
Winter Prep SAR, NERC EMP Task Force & NERC OC & PC Meeting


NERC Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP) Task Force

– A conference call/WebEx was held on Tuesday, August 20th to discuss the work being performed by the NERC Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP) Task Force. The task force was created in April 2019 to identify key issues associated with EMPs, recommend best practices/reliability guidelines, and potential methods for promoting resilience. Aaron Shaw (AEP) – Task Force chairman reviewed the work performed to date including draft strategic recommendations, next steps, and the need for generator segment engagement. The presentation is attached and is also available in the NAGF Gourpsite file cabinet under the “WebEx files” directory.

NERC EMPTF Presentation to NAGF 8-20-19.ppt

NERC Operating and Planning Committees Meeting September 10-11, 2019

– The NERC Operating and Planning Committees approved the Reliability Guideline: Improvements to Interconnection Requirements for BPS-Connected Inverter-Based Resources. The Guideline will be posted to the NERC website in the near future.

– At the Joint OC and PC Session, FERC, NERC and MRO discussed the Cold Weather Bulk Electric System Event of January 17, 2018 as presented at the August 14th NERC MRC meeting. With the growing concern of cold weather reliability, Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) submitted a SAR proposing a new standard be written to address the recommendations provided from the FERC and NERC staff report. The stated industry need for this SAR is to enhance the reliability of the BES during cold weather events by ensuring Generator Owners, Generator Operators, Reliability Coordinators, and Balancing Authorities prepare for extreme cold weather conditions. The SAR will be discussed at the September 18th Standards Committee meeting followed by posting for a 30-day comment period. The SAR is attached along with the link to the MRC presentation:

MRC Presentation:,%202019.pdf
slides 72-83

Winterization Preparedness SAR.pdf

The NAGF Cold Weather Preparations Working Group will be reviewing the SAR and developing comments for submittal. Members interested in participating in this effort can contact Blake Huddleston


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